Monday, November 25, 2013

Sweet Potato Fries

Right now. 

Right now, I am relearning how how to spend days alone with myself. 
And I’m trying to figure out if a Friday night ever made me truly happy and if I should part my hair to the left again and if I can drink coffee on an empty stomach (I can’t) and that I like waking up in the morning and walking alone and also that I like howling along to the same three CDs I keep in the car. 
These are tiny, quiet things. 
Sometimes, life is very quiet. 
I’ve been trying to not write too much. 
And not think too much. 
Because I am trying to be light. 
Just do the best for the day, and let that be enough. 
And not get bogged down in futures or pasts. 
Because otherwise it is all so difficult. 

So the leaves are rosy again and November looks and smells and tastes exactly the same. 
I’ve been eating a lot of apples lately and not doing anything in the kitchen because the mental forethought that that takes is kind of beyond me. 
I’ve got three sweet potatoes languishing in my cupboard that I wanted to make sweet potato fries with, but I keep forgetting which spices to buy. 
However, you should make them, because you will be popular and famous if you do. 
That is a promise. 
And darling love, Thanksgiving is just a few days away. 
And I am so thankful for you, so thankful for the more than two people who have returned to read about recipes here. 
It means a lot. 

Be safe. 
I wish you only the good things. 


Roasted Spiced Sweet Potato
from The Gourmet Cookbook

1 teaspoon coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 pounds medium sweet potatos, scrubbed
3 tablespoons vegetable oil

Put rack in middle of oven adn preheat to 425 F.

Coarsely grind (or finely chop) coriander, fennel, oregano and red pepper flakes in coffe/spice grinder, a mortar with pestle, or chop them together very finely. Stir together spices and salt.
Cut potatos lenghtwise into one inch thick wedges. Toss with oil and spices in a roasting pan and spread out in one layer. Roast for 20 minutes.
Turn wedges over with a spatula and roast until tender and slightly golden, 15 to 20 minutes more.

1 comment:

  1. I like your tresses the way they are! You're beautiful!
