Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breakfast Tacos

Hello Beautiful, 

I have been up since 8 am. Which is the earliest I have been awake in about two weeks. Because, I've been preparing for future school-induced-sleep-deprivation by sleeping till noon and staying up too late in an effort to make the most of my classless time. 

Today is the first day of school. 

And I am just

not sure how I feel about this. 

I mean. 

School is school is school. 

Nobody ever tells you that. 

I am wearing my first day of school outfit. 
Which is to say, I am wearing a bow tie: 

First impressions are very important. 

Unfortunately, I have no idea what kind of first impression I want to make. 

Actually, that's a total lie. 

I'd be happy if I were forever remembered as That Girl Who Wore A Bow Tie To Class The First Day of School. 

Talk about high aspirations. 


We are not here to talk about how I've been drinking coffee at inappropriate times, the four cookies I ate yesterday, how excited/scared I am about the coming months, or The Tallest Man on Earth: 

I am here to tell you about the only thing I actually eat. 

Breakfast Tacos. 

Scrambled eggs. Refried beans. Cheese. Salsa. Tortilla. 

This is what I live on. 

I am not going to tell you how to scramble eggs. Because I can only hope that you know how to do that. If not, youtube it baby. 

All you do is put all of those beautiful ingredients in a tortilla. And then you eat and are fat and happy for a very long time. 
I love breakfast tacos. And I mean, really truly LOVE them. They are the epitome of what it means for a meal to be simple and delicious with the least effort. 

I promise to share a more exciting recipe with you soon. 

Wishing you luck today. 


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