Sunday, November 7, 2010

What UP?

This is to say--
I have been disgustingly busy.
What is up with this whole applying to college thing?
It eats up time. Time that should be spent: luxuriating in the glory that is apple pie, reading Just Kids by PATTI SMITH (who is on my list of awesome people to someday invite to dinner), shopping, sleeping, NOT TAKING THE SAT, shopping, making glorious music, and further apple pie consumption.

This is also to say-- that I am insanely thrilled and excited, because I'm going to be speaking (albiet very briefly) about the glories of pie at the Austin Museum of Art this Thursday at 7 pm. You can check the event out here:
My mouth started watering when I read the pie slinging line up. So you should come. Yes. Please do. Because I am excited.

I'll post a recipe soon. Until then, besos. Hope you're luxuriating in the glory that is apple pie, reading Just Kids by PATTI SMITH, shopping, sleeping, NOT TAKING THE SAT, shopping, making glorious music, and consuming more apple pie.

Also, this time change makes me sad. It is so DARK so early.

For your pleasure you should read the following poem, by glorious genius Shel Silverstein. It reminds me of my brothers.

by Shel Silverstein

Milford Dupree, though he knew it was rude,
Talked with his mouth full of food.
He never would burp or walk out of in the nude,
But he talked with his mouth full of food.
His mother said, "Milford, it's crude and it's lewd
To talk with your mouth full of food.
Why, even the milk cow who moo'd as she chewed
Never talked with her mouth full of food
And the cuckoo would never have ever cuckoo'd
If he coo'd with his mouth full of food."
His dad said, "Get married or go get tattooed,
But don't talk with your mouth full of food.
And if it was a crime, you would surely get sued.
If you talked with your mouth full of food.
Why just like an animal you should be zoo'd
As you talk with your mouth full of food.
Cause you know we're all put in a terrible mood
When you talk with your mouth full of food."
They pleaded and begged. He just giggled and chewed.
He laughed with his mouth full of food.
And all they advised him he simply poo-poo'd
He poo-poo'd with his mouth full of food.
So they sent for the gluer to have his mouth glued
Cause he talked with his mouth full of food.
And now instead of "Good morning", he says,
"Gnu Murnood. I wun tuk win mny marf furu foog."

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