Saturday, October 23, 2010

Omelettes and other things

I don't know what's been up.

But all I can think about is eggs.

Eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Eggs with cheese. Eggs with bread. Eggs with cheese and toast smeared with jam. Eggs with tomatoes. Eggs with greens.

Because of my stupid protracted sickness, I've craved rich comfort food. Eggs fulfill every need.

Mostly, I eat omelettes.

My inspiration:

I'm quite sure I make them the wrong way. Infact, I doubt that Julia Child would approve. My flipping technique leaves a lot to be desired. I mean, I use a spatula. But all the same.
The deliciousness of my omelettes is not exactly suffering.

Because I use cheeeeese. Lots of cheeeeeeeese. (Something I'm sure Julia would approve of.)

And that's my only secret. Eaten with a bit of lettuce, or broccoli tossed with whole grain mustard, (Mustard is one of my current passions in life.) and maybe some bread with butter and jam, the cheeeeeeesey omelette becomes a meal of total perfection.

For the omelette ignorant, I've included Julia Child's recipe of great fame.
Not that I use it. I made up my own sloppy technique. But you should learn from the master.

from Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child

2 or 3 eggs
Big pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper

Beat the eggs and seasonings in the mixing bowl for 20 to 30 seconds until the whites and yolks are just blended.

1 tablespoon butter
An omelette pan 7 inches in diamete at the bottom

Place the butter in the pan and set over very high heat. As the butter melts, tilt the pan in all directions to film the sides. When you see that the foam has almost subsided in the pan and the butter is on the point of coloirng (indicating it's hot enough), pour in the eggs. It is of utmost importance in this method that the butter be the correct temperature.

Let the eggs settle in the pan for 2 or 3 seconds to form a film of coagulated egg in the bottom of the pan.
Giving the handle of the pan with both hands, thumbs on top, and immmediately begin jerking the pan vigorously and roughly toward you at an even, 20-degree angle over the heat, one jerk per second.
It is the sharp pull of the pan toward you which throws the eggs against the far lip of the pan, then back over its bottom surface. You must have the courage to be rough or the eggs will not loosen themselves from the bottom of the pan. After several jerks, the eggs will begin to thicken. (A filling goes in at this point, if using.)
Then increase the angle of the pan slightly, which will force the egg mass to roll over on itself with each jerk at teh far lip of the pan.
As sson as the omelette has shaped up, hold it in the angle of the pan to brown the bottom a pale golden color, but onlya second or two, for the eggs must not overcook. The center of the omelette should remina soft and creamy. If the omelette has not formed neatly, push it with the back of your fork.

Turn omelette onto a plate and rub the top witha bit of butter and serve as soon as possible.

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