Saturday, June 12, 2010

Best Pie Crust

God is good, but pie is great.
I made my first lattice crust ever.
Pie. Oh my.
It's all I've been able to think about. All I want to eat.
Last night I had pie for dinner, and this morning I had pie for breakfast. I crave pie. Pie. Pie. Pie.
It's my soul mate dessert.

Have you ever had a moment when you startled yourself? A moment when you sang a note you didn't think you could sing, or followed through with a goal you didn't think you would accomplish, or run three miles when the thought of even standing up makes you want to sit down? And then you just do it and you suprise yourself, and say, "I didn't know I could do that."

This pie crust will have that effect on you. Pie crust has a reputation for being difficult. Which is, if you ask me, unfair. Pie crust is very easy. Especially with this precious recipe. It's called Making Magic In the Food Processor. While many people probably consider using a food processor sacriledge, even Julia Child was a food processor adhererant. The goddess of simple baking, Dorie Greenspan loves the food processor. Basically the only fabulous bakers who don't use a food processor are the amish... and other people who wear suspenders.

I'll get back to you on what to do with this fabulous pie crust very, very soon.


Basic Pie Crust from BAKED

1 cup (2 sticks) butter

3 cups flour

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup water

In a food processor whirl together the flour, sugar and salt. Cut the VERY COLD BUTTER into small pieces and blend until the mixture forms into pea-sized chunks. Dribble in water and whirl until dough just comes together.

Take dough out of processor and knead until dough comes together. Divide into two, wrap in plastic wrap and place in freezer for one hour before using.

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